Female Motorbike Tour

Female Vietnam Motorbike Tours, as its name suggests, is a motorbike tour created for girls and women who love motorbike tours. We will bring a Vietnam Motorbike Tours itinerary for you, beautiful girls.

I. The Female Motorcycle Tour

Motorcycle riding is a fun hobby. The definition of a “biker” is surrounded by a lot of myths, prejudices, and views. Is it necessary to own a Harley? Or is it only over 500 cc? Do you need to know what “torque” means? Or be able to get your knees down on a track and travel at speeds in excess of 700mph? What if you’re “just” a pillion on your first ride? Or if you’ve “just” been a pillion for years and traveled all over the world? Is it when you have a beard that reaches your chest? Or maybe a ‘James Dean’ character in a leather jacket smoking a cigarette. Whoever you’re picturing, odds are they have one thing in common: they’re almost certainly a man. 

The Female Motorcycle TourMotorcycling has long been associated with masculinity, with women either on the periphery or completely ignored. There has always been this box for women to fit into, saying that women can only do certain things. One of them is that women cannot drive. BM Travel want to expand that box by running The Female Motorcycle Tour, in the hope that the work will encourage more women to take the road. More than that, we want to create a culture, not a following, and a community for women that isn’t just about appearing or posing for photos but about organizing events.

II. History of Women on Motorcycles

Today, women are the fastest-growing demographic in the motorcycle industry. According to a Motorcycle Industry Council survey, women account for 20% of all motorcycle riders, a figure that is steadily increasing. Sure, that still a relatively small percentage of overall riders, but the data clearly shows the number of women riders has been steadily trending upward.

In the past, the majority of the ladies came with a male companion. They were riding on the back of a bike, in a sidecar, or tagging along. Over the last few decades, we’ve seen that transition of women coming in and riding their own two wheels. More women than ever are riding motorcycles, and the giants of the industry have already begun to take notice.

History of Women on MotorcyclesIt’s difficult to identify why the number of female riders is increasing. However, we think it is the result of a latent interest colliding with an increasing sense of inclusivity in the motorcycle world.

1. Why women drive

Women have made significant contributions to motorcycle culture. Along the road, they’ve broken down many barriers and altered many societal norms.

Breaking Obstacles

In the late 19th century, the bicycle was all the rage. It represented a new form of freedom for Americans everywhere. Does this sound familiar? This movement would heavily influence motorcycle culture in the near future.

The bicycle enabled Americans to move on their own schedule and route. Prior to the invention of the cars, Americans depended largely on trains, buses, and horses. When the bicycle was created, it quickly became popular. Many people even joined bicycle touring and racing groups. Unfortunately, due to national perceptions and societal norms at the time, most women did not engage.

Why women driveWomen riding bicycles would cause Americans to reconsider issues such as women’s “place” outside the home, whether women should travel alone, whether motorcycling was “too dangerous” for women, and whether it was appropriate for women to wear “more revealing” clothing for riding purposes.

These norms influenced the typical American’s viewpoint. Unfortunately, late-nineteenth-century American societal norms often limited women’s progress in society. Remember, women did not have the right to vote until 1920. They were unable to establish a bank account until the 1960s.

However, they had no idea that despite their challenges, women would go on to make major achievements in motorcycling and, quite honestly, become some of the most badass riders ever known.

You may be wondering why we are talking about bicycles. The bicycle, as we know it today, did not exist until 1885. Soon after, in 1899, the first American motorized bicycle was developed. As a result, these two innovations were made less than 20 years apart in the late 1800s. This closeness in the invention is one of the reasons why bicycle culture, motorized bicycle culture, and societal views of the two are so intertwined.


Women were expected to wear corsets, lengthy skirts, and dresses in the late 1800s. The “rational clothing” movement, according to Smithsonian, encouraged women to wear outfits that enabled them to cycle. Shorter dresses and “sports corsets” gained popularity. Some women even defied societal norms by wearing bloomers (bottoms resembling men’s pants).


This movement aided a critical transition. During America’s bicycle craze, it helped to gradually shift culture. When the motorcycle was invented several years later, society’s perception of what was appropriate for women to wear would have already evolved.


In the 1880s, bicycles did not have gears. To generate momentum, a large front wheel was used. These bikes were called high-wheelers. Moreover, most roadways were not paved at the time. This meant that a bicyclist could easily hit a bump and fall forward over the handlebars. Riders frequently suffered serious injuries as a consequence.

Many Americans questioned whether women should participate in such a “dangerous” activity. As a result, bicycle riding clubs stayed “boys clubs.” This is why the establishment of all-female motorcycle organizations, such as the Motor Maids in 1940, is so important in history.


The safety cycle was developed after the high-wheeler. It was the most resembling the modern bicycle. The safety bike, unlike the high-wheeler, had two equal-sized wheels. In the 1890s, this style of bicycle became widely popular. It was also considered to be more “appropriate” and “safe” for women. As a result, after its introduction, more women started to ride.


In the 19th century, traditionally, women stayed at home to take care of the household. This included a list of duties, including but not limited to meal preparation, housekeeping, sewing, child care, and laundry. However, the beginning of change was near. A historical movement had started. Many ladies became bored with being confined to their homes. They desired to be in the city or even travel the globe. Consequently, they rebelled against societal norms and continued to strive for equity in their communities.


During this period, women spent more time outside the house. Women became more visible in society as a consequence. It wasn’t long before the first successful gasoline-powered automobile in the United States was developed in 1893. People became obsessed with petroleum soon after its invention. The motorized bicycle (motorcycle) was created soon after, in 1899. To put it mildly, women were very intrigued by this new machine.

2. Case studies

In this traditionally and stereotypically male-dominated sport, women are usually offered seats on the back of bikes rather than in the saddle. But theres a long history of women on motorcycles.


As early as the 1910s, female riders did everything the men did, from leisurely weekend rides to long-distance journeys. Here are a handful of women who have smashed glass ceilings on two wheels.

In 1915, a mother and daughter by the names of Avis and Effie Hotchkiss made history by becoming the first women to ride across America twice on a sidecar-equipped Harley-Davidson. The following year, Enthusiast magazine began publication, featuring many early accounts of women and motorcycling.

In 1916, the world was embroiled in the First World War, and Theodore Roosevelts Preparedness Movement had swept the United States. The Van Buren sisters rode their motorcycles from Brooklyn to San Francisco during World War I to demonstrate that women could be dispatch riders to aid the war effort and free up men for other duties. They also had another agenda in mind: to demonstrate that women could ride motorcycles just as well as men and deserved the right to vote. They were even arrested several times for wearing men’s clothing, which was illegal in most states but was actually just protective gear, and the Army still rejected their applications.

women-female-motorcycle-tours-2In the 1930s, Dorothy “Dot” Robinson (1912-1999) often challenged male competitors in endurance and sidecar races, and she served as a military dispatch rider with a select group of women during the Second World War. Dot Robinson, riding her famous pink Harley-Davidson after the war, was considered as the “First Lady of Motorcycling” and acted as the longtime president of the Motor Maids, motorcycling’s first and most prestigious women’s organization. More modern times have witnessed the creation of the clubs “Women in the Wind” and “Women on Wheels,” which boast large numbers of members and local chapters across North America.  

Trailblazer Bessie Stringfield made history by becoming the first African-American woman to finish a solo cross-country ride. During the 1930s and 1940s, she rode through all 48 states and overseas in Europe, Brazil, and Haiti. During WWII, she also joined an army motorcycle dispatch squad, making runs across America.

women-female-motorcycle-tours-1For the past century, inspirational women have paved the way for other motorcycle enthusiasts to follow in their tracks, most notably the following:

In 1982, at the age of 23, Elspeth Beard left her life and studies behind to ride around the globe on a BMW R60/6, becoming one of only a few British women to do so at the time. After shipping her bike to New York, she traveled across North and Central America before continuing on to Australia, where she took an 11-month job break before continuing on to Singapore and Asia. She had traveled 35,000 miles across 23 nations when she returned to the UK two and a half years after leaving. Along the way, Beard faced crashes, thefts, state shutdowns, and the ultimate disinterest in her trailblazing adventure. When she returned home, she continued her studies and eventually became an architect, but it wasn’t until 2017 that she put pen to paper and recorded her daring journey.

These stories are inspirational, to say the least. That history and the list of women over the years who have done this are important for people nowadays to keep going. All people, old, young, men and women, can learn a great deal from the history and accomplishments made by the ladies above.

women female motorcycle tours 3

Today, one in twenty riders is a woman, and they are the fastest-growing segment of the riding community. Pioneering women—we all know and applaud them as they carve paths through the most male-dominated of industries. Be it in aerospace, engineering, sports, or science, females have historically been dwarfed by their XY counterparts. But slowly, the tides have been turning, and women have staked their place in the world. And, while women have been riding bikes for as long as there have been motorcycles, female representation has been limited.

III. The benefits of riding a motorcycle

There has never been a better time for women to start riding. The benefits of riding a motorcycle can, of course, be applied to all riders regardless of gender. However, we wanted to highlight some of the benefits that really resonate with female riders. Continue reading to find out why more ladies should ride motorcycles.

1. Riding Provides A Sense Of Independence

Perhaps your interest in motorcycle riding started on the back seat of a bike, or maybe you just woke up one day and decided that you simply must experience the thrill of the ride firsthand. Either way, as a female rider, you know there’s nothing more empowering than getting on your own bike and hitting the wide road.

Many women are finding motorcycles as a form of expression of independence, a powerful symbol that they aren’t content riding shotgun on the back of a man’s bike. Nothing beats the feeling of your hand gripping the throttle and having complete control over your existence. It’s an outlet for freedom, a machine of empowerment.

Few things in life can compare with the sense of freedom you get when you start up a motorcycle. Almost immediately, you’re transported to a state of mind where nothing but yourself and the upcoming ride matter. Riding a motorbike has always been viewed as an act of independence, which may be part of the appeal that has caused the rising tide of female riders.


Women in motorcycle culture have historically been seen as extensions of their male partners, riding on the back of the guys bike. Theres nothing wrong with riding on the backseat, but for a long time, it was thought to be the only choice for a woman on a bike.

Women are increasingly leaving the passenger seat in favor of taking control of the handlebars. Riding your own motorcycle can provide a feeling of freedom and independence that can help you deal with life’s stresses. Whether the stress is in your professional or personal life, hopping on a bike and simply riding can provide the ideal opportunity for some quality alone time. Furthermore, when riding a motorcycle, a lot of lifes more trivial challenges can seem much less intimidating.


For some, it goes even deeper. They spend so much time as women caring for their children, significant others, and the elderly that they rarely make time for themselves. Motorcycling gives them that space. It’s the one space where they’re allowed to be self-centered, because while riding a bike, you can’t afford to think about anyone else but yourself.

2. Women Are Creating A Community Of Riders

Conversely, riding a motorcycle can also be a gateway to becoming part of a community of like-minded people. The growth in the number of women who own and ride motorcycles has resulted in the formation of motorcycle clubs comprised solely of women.

Women Riders Now reports that there are over 30 different national and regional motorcycle groups for female riders. Of course, there are and have been mixed motorcycle groups with both male and female riders for many years. These groups are numerous and have existed for a long time.


However, because women are still a minority in the motorcycle community, women-centric motorcycle groups can provide a safe place for female riders to enter the community without feeling like an outsider. Joining one of these groups can be a great way to build a support network of female riders who can all understand and sympathize with what it’s like to be a woman in what is still largely a male-dominated community.


Women riders have numerous causes for their love of riding. There is a special feeling of community and friendship among female riders, one that is so powerful that you have an instant circle of friends wherever you go. Some women are drawn to the adventure and exhilaration of the journey, or the way other people react when they see a woman rider. And, of course, there’s the sheer freedom of leaving your concerns behind as you ride your own bike down scenic roads.

3. Manufacturers Are Starting To Cater To The Female Demographic

The motorcycle industry has taken note as the number of female riders continues to rise. The days of “shrink it and pink it” as a catch-all advertising strategy for attracting female consumers are long gone. Companies are starting to broaden and diversify their product lines in order to accommodate the growing number of female riders. This makes sense given that women constitute half of the world’s population, not some obscure subset of society with similar preferences.


As more businesses seek to capitalize on the growing trend, products designed especially for women continue to appear and expand. Women now have more options in all aspects of the motorcycle business, from outerwear to bikes themselves.

Indeed, industry titans such as Harley-Davidson and BMW have recently released updated designs of their classic bikes with smaller frames in order to meet the increasing demand for bikes suited for smaller, female riders. And were not talking about a new line of mopeds. Many of the industry’s major players are designing classic motorcycles with high horsepower with shorter riders in mind. So, if you’re concerned that most motorcycles are too big and bulky to ride comfortably, rest assured that there are plenty of options out there made specifically for you.

IV. Why BM Travel makes it

We were inspired by other female riders we’ve had the opportunity to drive with in the past, as well as a desire to connect with all the riders out there all over the world. By the way, March is International Women’s Month, and BM Travel would like to dedicate a whole month to honoring and celebrating, in particular, the ever-growing community of female motorcyclists who share a passion for the open road, adventure, and camaraderie. This month, we celebrate the achievements and contributions of female riders, encouraging more women to join the world of motorcycling and embrace the empowerment it brings.


1. Building a Supportive Community

A strong sense of community and support is vital to the growth and success of female riders. The Female Motorcycle Tours are dedicated to women; prepared for women by women. These tours are designed and tailored specifically for women’s needs. We understand the importance of safety, but also of mental comfort, teamwork, and activities unrelated to motorcycles. On each trip, we travel to new locations in search of the most scenic routes and views. However, each of these tours provides something special that can only be found on a motorcycle adventure!

There’s something special about riding alone, but also about riding with your pack. It’s this sense of sisterhood and community that enables each of them to reach their full potential, and seeing women come together during this time has been therapeutic.


You can join a group whether youre an experienced or newer rider. On these women-only tours, we learn from each other, help and support each other. Each rider will find something for herself. Adventure, memories, knowledge, and skills—but perhaps more importantly, priceless friendships. Its primary goal is to provide a safe home for women in Vietnam where they can mentor and empower one another.

2. Understand womens perspective

Also, as much as men enjoy riding, they are unlikely to settle down and record their adventures on paper. They simply are not. So BM Travel would love to hear from a woman’s viewpoint. BM Travel want to create a place where women can share their perspectives as bikers, connect with other riders (both male and female), and hopefully share some insights into the slightly crazy life of a biker. The primary reason we wanted to share women’s stories is to show people that it is possible to start riding motorcycles later in life, be rubbish, be nervous, and quit…and then embark on long tours of foreign countries.


In addition, girls face issues that guys do not. Not just the boobs and hips (though that’s a WHOLE THING when purchasing leathers), but the attitudes, comments, and the “surprise” at the fact that youre a girl on a bike. Unfortunately, less than 10% of all UK motorcyclists are female, while there are around 15% in the United States. We are a minority, and there are even fewer biker females discussing these issues.

3. Join Our Sorority

With the motto “By women, For women”, The Female Motorcycle Tours will be guided by our female tour guides, who have majored in tourism and have been on and off road for the past years. They are legends, and we are thrilled that they have agreed to join our team as tour guides. They were also concerned about socializing because some of them were the only women on their first motorbike tours, but it was far from a boys’ club. As we’ve gone on more tours, there have been far more women on the tours, and there have been far more topics of discussion around the dinner table; it’s not just about bikes!


It’s the positive, fearless, and unapologetic attitude we display on these machines as we navigate the streets of our respective cities. It’s the challenge of learning something that not everyone can do and getting over the initial fear of taking control of a powerful machine. We don’t want to be the cliche that says, “If a man can do it, so can a woman.” The Female Motorcycle Tour is not an exclusive sexual statement but rather an inclusive celebration of all women who love to ride. Given the nature of the industry, it has been fairly male-dominated, and The Female Motorcycle Tours is intended to be a complimentary experience tailored toward female motorcyclists. Our dream is to encourage women into this intimidating realm without degrading their feminine identities. We are seeking more and more female riders, someone we could connect with in the spirit of “If she can do it, so can I.”


And honestly, we have struggled to find anyone to join, both female motorcycle tour guides and female riders. Sure, there are some amazingly talented motorcycle women who are insanely fast and extremely competent riders. But more importantly, we wanted someone who was a little nervous and looking to improve. Hence, we bit the bullet and started this project. If we can inspire even one person, male or female, to do something they were previously too nervous to do, our mission has been achieved.


The Female Motorcycle Tour gives you a great insight into the Land of Dragons, guided and supported by the all-female crew! Designed, hosted, and led by local female operators. They are tours designed by women for women who enjoy (or are intrigued by) motorcycle traveling, adventure, and have a slightly worrisome obsession with boba milk tea.


Each trip, The Female Motorcycle Tour gives you exclusive access into the lives of all women and the bikes they ride. We feature female riders from all different professional backgrounds, from all different ages, each with their own unique stories to share. Well celebrate their triumphs and achievements, while shining a light on their sisterhood.

V. Riding for everyone

While its primarily targeted at women, the Female Motorcycle Tour is open to anyone who wishes to attend. 

It doesn’t matter what gender you are, whether youre male, female, or undecided; anyone who has the courage to get on a motorbike and ride near other people is part of our “clan”. It doesn’t matter how old you are, how much experience you have, what bike you ride, or where you ride—life is simply better with a motorcycle in it. Your gender is totally irrelevant to where you ride and what you can do on a motorcycle. Even better, with a helmet on, nobody knows youre a girl anyway!


If you’ve ever considered riding a motorcycle, get out there and give it a shot. Look for a local motorcycle safety school in your area and learn from the pros, not just the people around you. Request a list of schools in your region from your local Department of Motor Vehicles, and consider getting a friend or family member to join you. Whenever you’re more comfortable on a bike and want to connect with other riders, come join us. Once you have women who ride, then you have children who ride, the motorcycle community ends up being the ones who fuel the next generation of riders. Part of BM Travel’s goal is to demonstrate that our history does not begin and end with Hotchkiss.

Are you traveling with a pillion? Bringing a child? Taking a dog?

If youre a couple, Let’s go on some epic excursions together. To be honest, riding is probably one of the few moments we actually talk and connect with each other without being interrupted by other things in life. The feeling of riding you may already know, but the feeling of riding with your companion is priceless. May you enjoy many more open roads together.


We know how daunting it feels when you think everyone is faster, better, or judging you. We all know how the little voice in your ear whispers utter nonsense and makes you doubt your own skills. And we know you can and will overcome it and become a better rider. We know that motorbikes aren’t the answer to every problem, but theyre a great place to start. Every day on a motorbike feels like an adventure. Its the freedom to go anywhere and the sense of independence that we fall in love with. On a bike, you become part of the scenery rather than simply passing through it. Its also an instant icebreaker, especially as you ride into remote villages and are immediately surrounded by people asking you questions—and thats before you take your helmet off and they realize with shock that you’re a woman.

Everyone should experience the freedom and adrenaline of being out on the open road, with the breeze in their helmet and breathtaking views all around them. Find as many ways to say “Why not!” instead of looking for reasons why you should not. Head out with your eyes and mind wide open. This world of ours is bloody fantastic. A friendly handshake and a smile will get you far in life. Take time to stop and really take it in wherever you are. Know that your senses desire to be firing on all pistons. Allow them, and your journey will be transformed from an exciting adventure to the most powerful collection of experiences and memories you’ll ever have.


We hope sharing our stories and adventures will inspire anyone (guy or girl) interested in motorcycle touring or adventures on two wheels, whether youre a new rider (and feeling slightly nervous) or more experienced and looking for new roads to ride. We would love to connect with you. And the best way to stay connected is by joining our tours.

VI. Conclusion

Though female motorcycle riders are still in the minority, an increasing number of women are carving out their own niche in a mainly male-dominated sport. As the number of female riders increases, so does the industry’s response to this new crop of motorbike enthusiasts. So, for women who have considered taking up motorcycle riding, there has never been a better moment to start! 

BM Travel Adventure Experience has all the certifications and permission to operate both inbound and outbound tours. Especially with all those authorities, we are competent to make the procedure for your cross-border ride. Driving with Vietnam Motorbik Tours Club , you don’t have to be worried about anything paper-related; all you need to handle is the clutch.

Where are all the lady riders out there?! Make some noise!

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