Asian Bike Tour

Crossing The Border With A Motorbike In Southeast Asia

I. Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia comprises 11 countries, and there are land borders with China, India, Bangladesh, and Papua New Guinea. With a continent so rich in culture and history, there is no better place to road trip than Southeast Asia.

The region sweeps east from the landmass of Indochina and the Malay Peninsula to a string of archipelagos that jewel the Arafura Sea. Throughout this land, you’ll encounter a mosaic of indigenous dynasties touched by colonialism. You might come across saffron-robed monks, vibrant Hindu festivals, or animalistic Marapu rituals. With a customized trip to Southeast Asia, you may focus in whichever direction you would like, from seeing wild orangutans in Borneo to sampling Malaysia’s delectable cuisine.

Just like the diversity of its landscapes, Vietnam offers a variety of ways to get around. With so many land, sea, and air gates, there are a variety of border-crossing experiences to be had. You may fly straight from point to point, take the overland routes of trains and buses, soaking in the sights along the way, or favor windswept motorbike rides.

Vietnam’s long borders with China, Laos, and Cambodia is a great advantage for motorbike cross-border tours. In recent years, authorities have implemented a number of initiatives to help border regions in promoting tourism, growing border economies, and fostering cross-cultural interactions.

II. Road Trips

One of the best ways to explore a new country if by taking to the roads and experiencing all the rich sub-cultures and people firsthand. You get to learn so much more about the traditions of a place when you travel by motorcycle and stop to take in the beauty whenever you feel like it.

Road transport is an integral part of the tourism system. The value of road transportation for moving people and products cannot be underestimated! Whether for the purpose of tourism or otherwise, there is no doubt about it: road transport is super important.

Tourism is the shortest way possible to alleviate poverty, while border provinces also have a particularly important role in national defense and security. Therefore, the development of tourism must be correlated with maintaining territorial sovereignty, social order, and national defense and security. Only by doing this will border tourism be able to support the development of the border economy and the socioeconomic growth of the nation.

1. What it is road transportation?

Put simply, road transport is the movement of people or goods via road. Many countries require licenses and safety regulations for road transportation, and road networks are a great way of linking different areas. The importance of road transport is huge. It is a vital way of connecting people and moving goods.

2. Types of border crossings

Crossing borders between countries can be very stressful, but it can also be an interesting experience. You get to go another step out of your comfort zone, as these are the areas where the internet cannot be accessible, and interacting with the locals is the only thing you can do to move forward.

Vietnam has two types of border crossings: international and local. As you may suspect, international crossings are generally open to all foreign nationalities who are in possession of a valid passport and visa, while local crossings are open only to locals (on each side of the border) who are able to cross back and forth using some form of border pass. The international crossings are the only ones covered in this section.

Vietnam has over a dozen international overland border crossings. These allow overland travel to Cambodia (via five crossings), Laos (via six crossings), and China (via at least two crossings). You can also arrive by air at Hanoi, Saigon, and Da Nang international airports.
III. Best Road Trips in Asia

The Southeast Asian countries fit together like a jigsaw, making it simple to mix different nationalities, cultures, and experiences. Each country pairing offers something a little different, along both the well-known routes and lesser-trodden paths. These journeys are made by land or river, giving you time to pause at unexplored national parks, remote Khmer temples, or simply to try a cup of rice whiskey. To explore the region thoroughly, you would need months or even years, so we’ve done our very best to compile the latest information in Southeast Asia to give an insight into a pocket of the subcontinent and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

As the first part of the world we ever discovered, Southeast Asia will always be a little bit special. Our experts have improved on their expertise by repeated trips back to the area over many years. We can help you find the hidden corners of familiar destinations like Thailand or Vietnam or plan the logistics of a more intrepid trip across Laos. When it comes to Asia, you’d be surprised to learn that some of the best road trips can be taken in otherwise lesser-known travel spots. Here is a list we’ve come up with to help you on your way

1. Vietnam – China

From hiking the Great Wall of China to conquering your fear of heights at the highest glass bridge in the world, these are just some of the reasons why you should travel to China.

China is one of the most amazing countries in the world and is deservedly on nearly every traveler’s bucket list. There aren’t that many countries that possess such varied geographical climates, rich biodiversity, stunning landscapes, and cultures that have persisted as the result of over 4,000 years of accumulated historical heritage.

Whether you want to roam its markets or its mountains and jungles, China has something to offer everyone. Along with diversity in its languages, people, geographical regions, and biodiversity, this country also boasts diversity in its food. When you visit China, you will be thoroughly amazed at how the diet and culinary options vary from region to region. This in itself gives you more than enough reason to visit China from one end to the other.

So if you’re planning your trip to China and you want your trip to be packed with experiences, new sights, and exotic cuisine while being vastly different from any other previous trip you’ve taken, then our China travel guide should make the planning as fun as the travel experience itself!

Tourist exchange activities in areas bordering China have been vibrant in recent times. In particular, after three years of closure due to COVID-19, the reopening of tourism stimulus policies since early this year has seen Vietnam and China witness rapid growth in border tourism.

Ban Gioc waterfall in Trung Khanh district, Cao Bang province, the world’s fourth-largest waterfall on a border between countries, is among the most popular destinations for international tourists. It has been predicted that crowds of tourists will flock to Cao Bang as they have the option of not only visiting the slope on the Vietnamese side but also going to the landscape section in China. It is expected that the pilot opening of the Ban Gioc-Detian Waterfall site will become a model of tourism development cooperation and cross-border tourism, helping Cao Bang tap into its tourism potential to boost economic, cultural, and social development as well as cross-border exchanges.

The Golden Tourism Route links six destinations in Vietnam, and China is expected to help the two countries enhance cross-border tourism links. The route, called “Two Countries, Six Destinations,” connects the Chinese Yunnan province’s Kunming city and Honghe county with Vietnam’s Lao Cai province, Hanoi, Hai Phong city, and Quang Ninh province. The opening of the route is a component of China and Vietnam’s tourist and cultural cooperation, and it will serve as a good starting point for the two nations’ efforts to strengthen cross-border tourism links on a larger scale.

Hanoi, Lao Cai, Quang Ninh, and Hai Phong view China as the leading source of international tourists. Meanwhile, Chinese travelers also prefer Vietnamese destinations, including the four localities on the new route and others with rich cultural identities. The Southeast Asian nation is also an ideal destination for the Chinese, who love MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions), culinary, and golf tourism.

The opening of the route is viewed as a positive development for the tourism industries and regions of both nations, and travel agencies in Vietnam and China are urged to actively exchange information and make the best preparations possible in terms of staff, products, and infrastructure in order to welcome travelers as soon as possible. Tourism officials of the four Vietnamese localities agreed to coordinate with Yunnan province to hold tourism promotion activities. They also pledged to assist the two sides’ businesses to effectively tap into the route as well as others.

2. Vietnam – Laos – Cambodia (Indochina)
Indochina comprises three neighboring yet totally distinct countries. Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos are all great holiday destinations, each catering to a different range of travelers. However, they’re just as amazing when combined with each other. You can either cover just Vietnam with Cambodia or Cambodia with Laos.
But why not all three? From steep mountain passes and scenic rice terraces to winding coastal roads and picturesque countryside villages, Indochina is home to some of the most breath-taking scenery in the world. Read through this column below and take your pick of the fascinating Orient.

2.1 Laos

BM Travel’s Indochina Heritage Road is your unmatched program in the area. And what better way to begin this tour of the region than in the laid-back atmosphere of Laos? This atmosphere, lifestyle, and attitude of the country and its people are some of Laos’ main draws. There really is no other country like it.

While small, landlocked, and still developing, a Laos travel adventure should not be overlooked! The rugged mountains, vast wilderness, and powerful Mekong River offer awesome off-road Laos adventures. Further to the north lies much hillier and mountainous terrain, much of it covered in jungle. This is a great area for any type of off-road Laos adventure. If you are looking for other outdoor adventures, there are opportunities for trekking, kayaking, rock climbing, and elephant visits that focus on conservation. You will not be disappointed by the serene natural beauty and vibrant variety of culture hidden in this country as you experience it on two wheels, four wheels, or however you choose.

Laos has a long history dating back hundreds of years, and there are roughly 50 different ethnic tribes living there. Your tour begins in Luang Prabang, the capital and most culturally significant city of Laos. It is unquestionably one of Southeast Asia’s most picturesque towns, where French colonial buildings coexist with sparkling temples.

The south of the country, through the Mekong river delta, is relatively flat but in no way boring! Small, local villages are tucked away around every corner and offer an incredibly authentic experience of Laotian culture. The river itself also creates some exciting adventures, like tubing and rafting, or viewing some of the largest waterfalls in southeast Asia and even the pink freshwater dolphins!

While nature certainly offers plenty of excitement, culture is no less thrilling. Laos is the least “westernized” and most relaxed of the southeast Asian countries and still offers a raw, untamed experience. You can visit endless Buddhist temples, architecture from the French colonial period, the iron age megalithic structures found on the Plain of Jars, and more.

The Vietnam-Laos border area, meanwhile, has rich tourism development resources, with many similar but different sites. Tourist destinations in the two countries are said to hold a great deal of potential.

2.2 Cambodia

Paradise-like beaches and an abundance of culture are just a few of the things that inspire people to travel to Cambodia. However, Cambodia offers plenty of life-changing experiences and sights that should be on your bucket list! This country in southeastern Asia is not only rich in natural beauty but in history as well.

It is most famous for being home to one of the most prominent UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Angkor Wat. The Kingdom of Cambodia receives thousands of visitors each year just from this site. However, there are several temples that are equally stunning and that you should not miss!
Phnom Penh, the capital, is a lover’s paradise for exquisite architecture. The busy metropolis never sleeps, but it also emits a tranquility that is uncommon to find. It is situated where three rivers join together and is one of the most interesting cities in Asia. You should consider getting lost in Phnom Penh and truly getting to know its spirit and incredibly kind people!

Cambodia also offers many quiet beaches, making it a great place for the perfect holiday. You’ll feel as if you’re on your own private beach without going to a remote part of the country. The weather is typically warm, and the food is delicious! What more could you ask for?
Cambodia and Vietnam can seem similar due to their close proximity and a general lack of awareness. Many people think that these nations have similar foods, traditions, and life experiences. This couldn’t be further from the truth because each of these locations is captivatingly different. And each destination warrants a visit from curious travelers. A great way to experience these destinations and their diversity is by pairing them together.

With about 1,255 km of shared border spread over 10 provinces in Vietnam, the number of Cambodian tourists entering Vietnam is quite high. Previously, many people only traveled here for medical care, but now more middle-class visitors are arriving. It is possible to cross into Cambodia from the neighboring countries of Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos via automobile, motorbike, bus, or boat. Roads are relatively well maintained between the capital and major cities of each country. Common routes include those from Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) to Phnom Penh and from Bangkok (Thailand) to Siem Reap.

3. India to Thailand on wheels!

Thailand, the spectacular island country known for its gleaming temples, welcoming locals, noodle shacks, and adventures along the luxurious coastline, is one of the most visited places in Asia. However, when the length of the trip is taken into account, air travel is the favored method of transportation. Road travel to this vibrant Land of Smiles via India is also possible. Myanmar Thailand Trilateral Highway, the famous 1360 km long highway connecting Moreh in Manipur to Mae Sot in Thailand, through Mayanmar’s Mandalay and Naypyidaw. A road trip from India to Thailand now offers the chance to explore the three nations’ diverse landscapes. If you wish to undertake this journey in your private vehicle, continue reading to get all the essential information.

3.1 Thailand – Myanmar

Lying in the northern part of what was once French Indochina, Thailand and Myanmar are two of the ancient nations that have a long and varied history and are some of the most beautiful places in Asia to visit. The two countries are ideal twinning partners for a trip to Indochina.

Whether you are traveling from Thailand to Laos or Laos to Thailand, you will find that the cultures vary very little in the broad sense, but when you look a little closer beneath the surface, you will find that there are subtle differences that separate them in many unique ways. While both are major Buddhist countries in Asia, they have a different form of Buddhism in each, and the way of life is vastly different once you get outside the major cities of Bangkok and Yangon.

Why not compare and contrast the vibrant Asian cities of Bangkok and Yangon with their gilded pagodas and delicious street food on a twin-center trip? Or how about visiting the spectacular Angkor Wat temples before spending a week unwinding on a stunning beach in Burma? As we design every journey from scratch, the possibilities for linking Myanmar with the rest of Southeast Asia are endless.

3.2 India

It’s impossible to describe a country as vast as India as just one thing. Its cities sizzle with energy; its countryside has a sleepy, dreamy quality; and everywhere you go, there are swirling colors, stunning architecture, and some of the most hospitable people you’ll ever encounter. Far too many travelers come to India only to tick the Taj Mahal off their bucket lists—that is, if they bother traveling here at all. India continues to be underrepresented on people’s lists of dream destinations, and even fewer want to road trip through it.

With an infamous traffic scene, frequent language barriers, inconsistent road quality, and not that many predecessors to base your itinerary around (Route 66 this is not), a road trip through India could sound more like a nightmare. But in reality, the challenges only add to the experience, making for one of the most fun and fascinating trips you’ll ever take in your lifetime and bringing you closer to the soul of this vibrant country.

One of India’s most breathtaking attractions is the vast natural beauty found along its roadways. The nation is renowned for its unique landscapes and natural beauty. Driving across it can be both an adventure and a fantastic learning experience. India’s beauty is as diverse as they come, with everything from the Himalayas to the beaches, from tropical green woods to scorching deserts, and rivers to stunning hills. Traveling by road offers the ability to discover new cities, cultures, and India’s landscape.

3.3 India-Myanmar-Thailand On Road: An Iconic Journey

India is pushing an ambitious highway initiative through Myanmar and Thailand to connect with Vietnam through Cambodia and Laos, which observers of Southeast Asia see as part of its efforts to counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) project.
Connectivity with the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which comprises Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam, is a central plank in India’s Act East policy to develop regional relations.
You’ll soon be canceling all those expensive flights from India to Thailand and organizing an amazing road trip instead! Don’t be surprised, as the Myawaddy-Thinggan Nyenaung-Kawkareik section of the Asian Highway Number 1 connecting India and Thailand via Myanmar is now functional, making it all possible. Bangkok is undoubtedly one of the most popular foreign vacation destinations for Indians, and with this mega highway fully operational, foot traffic from India is anticipated to grow rapidly. Another reason why driving is preferable to flying is because of the stunning scenery along the way, including the magnificent pagodas in Bagan and Yangon as well as the mountains in the northeast. This makes the entire trip unforgettable.

Driving to a foreign locale may be quite an adventure, but planning it right is crucial. India’s borders are shared by a number of nations, each of which has its own set of laws. There is no better time to embark on a road journey than now, with a piece of the new Asian highway connecting India, Myanmar, and Thailand going into service.

4. Singapore and Malaysia

If you’re looking to visit more than one country in one trip, Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, and the city-state of Singapore are two spots you can visit. Both of them have a shared past: Singapore and Malaysia were both once British colonies, and Singapore is now a part of Malaysia. Both are cultural melting pots that combine elements from China, Malaysia, and India. Today, two of Southeast Asia’s most developed cities—Kuala Lumpur and Singapore—are teeming with tourist attractions. Both by land and by air, getting between them is simple. Buses and flights to and from either location run frequently.

The border crossing procedure is simple with the JOHOR BARU causeway. Malaysians and Singaporeans have hailed the move by their governments to allow for travel on compassionate grounds between the two countries.

Around the world, travel is starting to look more like it did pre-pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, over 300,000 people used the causeways daily, making this one of the world’s busiest land crossings. Most Malaysians coming into Singapore do so to work or study and are often commuting daily. Singaporeans, for their part, tend to visit Malaysia as tourists or to visit family. Johor is known for its shopping bargains and for generally offering more bang for your Singapore dollar. Many of Singapore’s food imports, such as poultry, fish, eggs, vegetables, and milk, are trucked daily from Johor.

Because it is a very close neighbor to Singapore, Malaysia is the dream of every local motorcyclist. Without seeing the views behind the window of a bus or car, the riders can totally enjoy the fresh air and see the beauty of nature during the trip. Get on the two wheels and rev that engine while enjoying the air in your face. Every local motorcyclist dreams of it: long-distance riding across Malaysia.


All Southeast Asian nations have begun to ease travel restrictions and reopen their borders to foreign tourists in an effort to revive the tourism sector, which was the hardest damaged by the COVID-19 outbreak.

As borders begin to reopen across Southeast Asia, crossing borders becomes a regular undertaking! And for many tourists, riding a motorcycle is the perfect way to see the globe because it has many of the same advantages as driving a car but is also smaller, easier to park, and perhaps even more enjoyable. However, you cannot just show up at the border on your motorcycle and expect to gain entry. Each country has a different rule of entry, and some countries will require you to apply for a visa before you travel. Visa requirements change often, which makes it difficult for travelers in Southeast Asia to plan things like budgets and durations of travel. It is also important to understand that crossing the border with your own vehicle will require significant preparation, paperwork, time, effort, and money.

This is when it would be beneficial to work with a professional motorcycle tour company. As one of the top legal and adventurous travel companies in Vietnam, BM Travel is dedicated to giving its clients the highest level of customer care. With successfully organized caravan tours and motorcycle tours around Vietnam and crossing borders around Asia for big group experiences, we invite you to embark on an amazing adventure with a motorcycle tour in Asia. Set off on remote Asian roads to explore exotic destinations far from the beaten tourist track. While riding a motorcycle, take in the gorgeous surroundings, interact with the welcoming locals, and create lifelong memories. Our enthusiastic team has a selection of hand-selected Asian motorcycle tours ready for you that are very different from your normal bike trips. Our main goal is to make sure you have a safe and comfortable journey while discovering the best treasures Asia has to offer. Your tour leader is a local expert guide, ensuring you will ride the very best tracks in Asia. You only need to focus on savoring the sense of freedom you have in this isolated area of the globe.

Motorbike tours in Asia

We provide a variety of itineraries on our motorbike tours in Asia to accommodate all preferences and skill levels. All you need to do is pick the formula that works best for you and acquire your motorcycle license! Join a scheduled tour, choose the ideal dates for your small group, or let us design a tour experience specifically for you. You are in charge!

Experienced riders looking to challenge themselves can sign up for one of our enduro tours. You will ride for six to eight hours each day if there are more than 50% tracks; it is not for the faint of heart. You travel through remote areas and face fresh difficulties every day!

In contrast, choose Big-bike Motorcycle Tours if you like to explore and interact with the community in your area. These classic motorbike trips in Asia offer the perfect balance: plenty of saddle time with ample opportunities to visit the country’s finest cultural sites. Our big-bike luxury tours are best for those who wish to enjoy a real holiday or are traveling in couples. Each day is planned at a relaxed pace, with shorter riding days allowing plenty of time to explore or just enjoy your comfortable accommodations.

Which of our motorbike tours in Asia will you pick?

Vietnam Motorcycle ToursVietnam Motorcycle Tours
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